Online media and advertising are constantly evolving. This is my conglomeration of online media, search engine marketing and other social media news that interests me, and hopefully you.


Google's Search Domination Increases

Marketing Charts released their "Share of Online Searches by Engine" chart today and the results really shouldn't be news to anyone. Google increased their online search domination from 55.2% to 56.3%, leaving Yahoo (21.9% to 21.5%) and MSN (9.0% to 8.4%) in their dust. The big surprise was Ask, which increased search share from 1.8% to 2.0%. While this isn't a huge increase, when the other major players in the game are steadily losing share, it's refreshing to the underdog make some advances. Could this be the power of "The Algorithm"? Well, let's wait and see next month's chart before making that leap.

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